Get Listed Today

Join 1-800-D2C and appear where it matters most: in your brand's tech/service stacks, on critical category pages, and all across the most widely used directory platform in e-commerce.

for agencies

$299 / Year

Fully built out, indexed agency profile
Highlight your key brands and case studies
Appear in your most important categories
Get in front of 25,000+ monthly visitors
Appear directly on your brands' profiles
Join the top 100+ agencies ecommerce
List Your Agency
for tools
500+ TOOLS

$399 / Year

Fully built out, discoverable profile
Appear in all of your brands' tech stacks
Highlight your features, products and pricing
Appear in key categories and sub-categories
Get in front of 25,000+ monthly visitors
Offer a Friends Rate Deal to our users
List Your Tool

Trusted By Thousands

Our Influence and Reach

25,000 Monthly Visitors
Our growing platform is loved by thousands of brand operators, marketers and founders.
8,000 Newsletter Readers
Our newsletter highlights brands,  tools and interviews we do with the best founders.
250K+ Monthly Page Views
Our directory is the most widely explored in the world and for good reason.
100+ Monthly Deals
We love to connect brands, tools and agencies together through Friends Rates.

How The Process Works

Thousands of brands leverage 1-800-D2C to discover, research and compare tools and services. Our directory cuts through all of the noise and curates the top 1% of brands, tools and agencies.
Sign Up
All agencies and tools must start by signing up through one of our links above. That kicks off the process.
Content Support
Our team will send over a content form that we'll need you to fill out and then we will start building our your profile.
Once the profile is built, approved and ready to go, we will launch it onto the directory and share it with the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my tool is on the site already, but blurred out?
Good question. If you see your tool is already added but blurred out, then that means we have a lot of brands on the platform using your tool but haven't had anyone from your team sign up yet. If you would like to upgrade your profile and unlock the enriched page with benefits, then sign up above!
What is included in the annual fee for agencies and tools?
For agencies, the $299/year fee includes a fully built-out, indexed profile that highlights your key brands and case studies, with visibility in important categories and on brand profiles. For tools, the $499/year fee covers a detailed profile that showcases your brands, pricing, media, features, and competitor differences, with prime placement in key categories and sub-categories.
What is the expected ROI from being listed on the platform?
While ROI can vary depending on your specific tool and offer, our discovery platform provides exposure to 25,000+ monthly visitors (brand operators, marketers, and founders) who are actively exploring new tools and services. It is very safe to say that the ROI from being a part of our community is positive.
Can I update my profile after it’s live?
Yes, you can reach out to our team at any time to update or refresh your profile to ensure it stays current and continues to reflect your latest products, features and more.
What is the 'Friends Rate Discount Deal' for tools?
The Friends Rate Discount Deal allows you to offer exclusive discounts to our community, helping you attract more customers and build strong relationships through the 1-800-D2C platform. Brands will land on your profile and click "Request Deal" to automatically get introduced to you via email.
What if I have more questions or need support?
If you have any additional questions or need help, feel free to reach out directly to our co-founder at We’re here to help you however we possibly can!

Questions? Reach Out To Us.

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