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Best 14 Crossell / Upsell Ecommerce Tools

Cross-selling and upselling tools are strategic software tools used by direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands to increase the value of customer purchases. Cross-selling involves suggesting additional products that complement the item a customer is interested in, while upselling encourages customers to purchase a higher-end version of the product they are considering. These tools use customer data and behavior analytics to make targeted and relevant product recommendations during the shopping process.

For DTC brands, these tools are important as they enhance the customer shopping experience by providing personalized suggestions, leading to increased customer satisfaction. They also play a crucial role in maximizing revenue per customer, effectively boosting overall sales without the need for acquiring new customers.

Popular tools in this category include Rebuy and Bold Upsell. Rebuy is known for its smart data-driven recommendations, optimizing cross-sell and upsell opportunities across various customer touchpoints. Its AI-powered engine tailors suggestions to individual customer preferences, enhancing the likelihood of additional purchases. Bold Upsell stands out for its ease of creating custom upsell and cross-sell offers, making it highly effective for DTC brands seeking to implement these strategies seamlessly. Both Rebuy and Bold Upsell are popular due to their ability to intelligently increase order values while enriching the customer shopping experience.

Bold UpSell
Bold UpSell

Bold Upsell enables merchants to upsell customers easily. Choose to have your offers display at the product page or cart page and allow customers to choose variants and quantities from within the upsell offer window.

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In Cart UpSell
In Cart UpSell

In Cart Upsell watches what is in each shoppers' cart. When they start the checkout process by going to your cart, In Cart Upsell presents a relevant product to add to the basket in a non-intrusive way.

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Checkout Blocks
Checkout Blocks

Easily enhance your Shopify Plus experience with Checkout Blocks™. Customize your checkout and thank you pages effortlessly by dragging and dropping blocks to display upsells, free shipping, and more. Segment customers based on cart content, UTM parameters, shipping details, currency, and language. This tool is designed for Shopify Plus, utilizing checkout extensibility. Migrate script editor changes seamlessly with no-code delivery and payment customization through Shopify Functions.

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Bold Bundles
Bold Bundles

Bold Bundles lets you bundle a few products or an entire collection so that your customers can mix & match items to get a discount. Also set up Buy One Get One upsell offers right on the product page.

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UFE 2.0
UFE 2.0

One click upsell checkout enables easy purchasing. Also, you can show personalized recommendations to the customers via upsell funnels.

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Pixelpop is an app used to capture emails, promote products, coupons and display cookie disclaimers.

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