Rumpl makes everyday blankets with materials found in premium outdoor gear. Its products blur the line between indoor comfort and outdoor performance whether you're on the go or relaxing at home.
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Rumpl is a direct-to-consumer brand that creates high-performance, stylish blankets and outdoor gear designed to provide comfort and warmth in any environment. Founded by Wylie Robinson and Nick Polinko, Rumpl blends technical materials commonly used in outdoor gear with modern designs to create versatile products. The brand’s mission is to keep people cozy and comfortable while encouraging a connection with the great outdoors.
One of Rumpl’s standout products is the Original Puffy Blanket, which features a weather-resistant, durable ripstop shell and synthetic insulation. This blanket is designed to provide warmth and comfort in various conditions, making it perfect for camping, hiking, or lounging at home. The Original Puffy Blanket is available in multiple sizes and colorful prints, offering both functionality and style.
Another popular item is the NanoLoft Blanket, which uses Rumpl’s proprietary NanoLoft insulation made from tiny circular clusters of fiber that mimic the properties of down. This innovative design provides excellent warmth-to-weight ratio and compressibility, making it easy to pack and carry. The NanoLoft Blanket is ideal for outdoor adventures and travel, offering lightweight warmth and versatility.
Rumpl also offers the Sherpa Puffy Blanket, which combines the technical performance of the Puffy Blanket with the plush comfort of Sherpa fleece. This hybrid design provides extra coziness and warmth, making it perfect for colder conditions or relaxing at home. The Sherpa Puffy Blanket features a water-resistant shell and soft Sherpa lining, ensuring maximum comfort and durability.
A fun fact about Rumpl is that the brand was inspired by a cold night in the back of a van when the founders realized they wanted a blanket with the same technical performance and durability as their outdoor gear. This epiphany led to the creation of Rumpl’s high-performance blankets, which have since become a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts and comfort seekers alike.